Server Status Checker

About this tool

This is a simple online utility that can be used to check the network status of upto 100 servers for nothing at all. Just type or paste the URLs to the servers, each on a separate line, and click the big red button and wait. The waiting time might vary based on:

  • The response time of the servers.
  • The number of servers requested.

Once all the servers have responded with something, error or success, a table will be shown. This table contains:

  • The response code received from the server.
  • The response time; time it took by the server to return a response.

What are response codes?

HTTP Server Status Checker, by SEO Helpify, is a testing tool that facilitates you with the ability to test the network status of a website or a web server. When a browser requests a server, the server responds with a bunch of stuff, one of them being the Status Code aka response code.

This response code can then be used by the browser to tell the user whether the web server is avilable or there's some error. If a response code of 404, 505, or 500, etc is received, that means there are some errors going on, these codes are explained below. On the other hand if status code of 200 is received, it means that was request was a success.

What is the response time?

Peep Laja, founder of CXL defines it as: "Server Response Time (SRT) is the amount of time between when a web client makes a request (e.g., clicking on a link or entering a URL into the address bar) and the server responds to that request." Read more at his Blog

Status codes & what does each of them mean

Below are most of the status codes returned by the web servers, each of them means something different.

  • 200 status code: Success, the web server responded with the content that was requested.

  • 301 status code: Warning, the webpage has been moved to another URL, the new URL must be used to request the desired content.

  • 302 status code: Warning, the webpage has been moved to a new URL and a redirection was used to reach the moved webpage. The new URL should be used for the next request.

  • 307 status code: same as 301.

  • 400 status code: Error: the server didn't understand what you're looking for, must be a mistake in the URL, also called Bad Request.

  • 401 status code: Error: the web server only allows authorized users to request from this URL.

  • 403 status code: Error: the web server will not show the content to you whether you're authorized or not, mostly the case with private directories allowed to the server hosts only.

  • 404 status code: Error: webpage not found. This is, no doubt, the most frustrating error and might be the reason why you're here in the first place. This means that the URL simply doesn't exist.

  • 410 status code: Error: webpage not found. The same as 404 with the only exception of a message that tells that the URL existed but has been moved somewhere.

  • 500 status code: Error: server didn't respond with anything. This states that either the server is unreachable or it's taking too long to respond.