MD5 Hash Generator

About this tool

This MD5 Hash Generator by SEO Helpify is beneficial for encoding passwords, credit card information, CCV, and other delicate data into MySQL, PostgreSQL, MondoDB, and other databases. Web developers & eager Web Integrity professionals working on MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and other databases, developing in PHP, ASP, NodeJS, or any other server-side language will find this free online tool an immensely helpful resource.

What is meant by an MD5 hash?

To create an MD5 hash, a string (text) of any number of words is encoded into a 128-bit fingerprint. MD5 is an algorithm that encrypts & encodes strings. A string, whenever encoded by the algorithm, will always result in the same 128-bit hash. MD5 hashes are typically used with smaller strings while storing passwords, credit card numbers, and other sensitive data in databases such as the widely-known MySQL, PostgreSQL, and the modern MongoDB. This tool gives a quick and clean way to encode any string into a small MD5 hash.

MD5 hashes assure the purity & integrity of data in files. Because the MD5 hash algorithm consistently produces the exactly equal output for the exactly equal piece of string, clients can check the flawlessness & intactness of a file by comparing the newly created MD5 hash to the source MD5 hash.

MD5 doesn't always mean encryption. It's by far a fingerprint of the source string. However, it is a one-way action and what that means is that it's not possible to reverse or decrypt an MD5 hash into the original string.